Building Faith in the Power of Words..........

Building Faith in the Power of Words..........

On the Clouds Sublime

Like a baby tired of the whole day’s activity jumps in the lap of one’s mother for a restful, secure, and undisturbed sleep the same goes true for tourists coming for the visit to Cherrapunjee.
The place is shrouded amidst floating clouds, the mountains stand tall like robust guards watching over its boundaries, and the gushing streams flow uninterrupted within domitable speed to grab the destination of joining the bigger source of water; the river. The constant rains keep washing the place clean now and then. Cherrapunjeeis credited with being the wettest place on Earth and holds the record for the most rainfall in a year.

A Positive Step Towards Gender Equality

A piece of news that is worthy of being shared with everyone who thinks a homemaker’s job is simple or lacks value, including homemakers themselves, is the landmark judgement by the Indian Supreme Court. The Supreme court of India recently gave a landmark judgement in favour of women……

‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao par uske pehle beto ko samjhao

International women’s day, 8th March, is like a cultural festival for women,celebrated world over by women organisations. SWEDWA the branch of AIWC(All India Women’s Conference) celebrated the occasion, this time, in collaboration with its Vasant Gaon chapter named VIBHUTI.

Book Launch Revelation:7th October 2017

It was almost a wait of 10 long years after which my second book got launched. A strongly felt thought came to life in the  form of my novel ‘In The game of love: one step forward two steps back’, published by Vitasta publishing pvt. ltd. Though it seemed  almost like a repetition of the event 10 years back……

CORONA CRISIS: A time for analysis

Life was going full on
So high was the speed
that no one had time to
even look at the beautiful dawn!!
The star lit night
and the Moon full bright
 was losing its sheen

Price Tags for The Priceless #kaziranga #nationalpark

Almost trapped within our home in Delhi due to high level of air pollution, we are
browsing sites for a decent brand of air purifier that can provide us with the breathable air. It is so ridiculous of us humans that whatever gift nature has given us, we tend to value it only when it is tagged with a price which….

INDIA: Let peace be the destiny

The melting pot of diversities
Is becoming cauldron of complexities
With its innumerable rarities,
it has been a favourite place for great personalities.
Ram, Rahim, Budha, Gautam, Nanak and the gurus of all creed
Have preached love and harmony
As the zenith of humanity……..

Wake up sleeping beauties to celebrate happy VIJAY DASHMI

When the nature steps in autumn season after ending of rains, and the air is scented with blossoms of Jasmine and roses, we welcome our beloved deity ‘DEVI MA’ and celebrate the navratri (nine nights) festival; the ‘Sharad Navratri’ being celebrated with much more gusto in comparison to four other navratris, occurring in a year……

Untitled design (8)

Unpaid Work - SDG5
(International Alliance of Women)

Women are the engines of an economy, but their contribution is completely ignored. Only the efforts of women who are part of paid employment is counted for their economic participation, but what about the hardworking women who care for family members without getting paid.The invisibility of women workers is appalling…

Few drops of tear…

I was three years old, and I wanted a tricycle; I cried for it like any child of that age. And one fine day, I, kind of, had my dream coming true when I rubbed open my eyes in my father`s lap who got me seated on the tricycle, which eventually became my sole resting place for the entire day.
And my consciousness of of this world made me realize that it was my father…

The Solar Power: Chhath Puja

Four days of hustle, and the finale; heart full of blessings and the hands full of prashad in the form of ‘Thekua’ (traditional Bihari specialty, cooked in jaggery, which tastes very much like modern biscuits), Gagal ( a variety of lemon  of size of almost a handball), ganna ( sugarcane), and other seasonal fruits.


In one of the Arabian night stories, it is mentioned that a  traveller carried dates with him, for his subsistence during the journey.The relevance  of the  story is to discuss the nutrition of the DATES. Health benefits of dates are uncountable, as this fruit is …

National Heritage and the Credibility of Incredible India

Of late, tourism is seen to have great potential to add to our GDP. Learning a lesson from advanced economies of the world like Britain, Spain, and Hungary; Indian government too has decided to reap  gains from its inherent potential in the  cultural heritage of India, to attract tourists.Citing some…

Short Story: The Rich Man

Pavitra had stepped into adulthood; her life`s journey from childhood to maidenhood was linked through innumerable memories. If memories could take physical form of a means of communication, she would have boarded it to reach her dearest friend in Amritsar.
Pavitra loved train journeys, not because it connected two distant physical territories, but for the reason that it connected……